The World Affairs Council of the Monterey Bay Area presents “Turkey: Between Earthquakes and Elections” Lecture Series
Friday, April 28, 2023 (11:15 AM - 3:00 PM) (PDT)
Please join us Friday, April 28, 2023 with speaker Scott Kilner, Retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer for Turkey : Between Earthquakes and Elections. Until recently the United States saw Turkey as a uniquely democratic Moslem majority country and a model for the Islamic world. Today most U.S. observers view the country as our most problematic NATO ally, dominated by the increasingly authoritarian President Erdogan. Against the backdrop of recent devastating earthquakes, Turkish citizens will go to the polls on May 14th to elect both the next President and a new parliament. What are the chances that Erdogan's 20-year-reign will end? How is the aftermath of the earthquakes expected to affect the vote? Our speaker Scott Kilner, a 32 year U.S. Diplomat with extensive Turkey experience, will address these and other issues, putting this complex, important country in context.
This informative presentation and luncheon at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1000 Aguajito Road, Monterey 11:15 am Registration / 11:45 Luncheon / 12:30 pm Program. Members $36 / Guests $41.
Visit our website www.wacmb.org for reservations and directions All attendees must provide proof of vaccination and booster.
PO Box 83
Monterey, CA 93940 United States