Happy Girl Kitchen “Spring Cleaning! Starting a cleanse and detox” Workshop
Friday, April 7, 2023 (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (PDT)
Spring brings with it another time of the year to renew ourselves and start fresh! It can be a great time to clean, organize and eliminate clutter. It is also a wonderful practice to do this for yourself! This workshop is intended to be a kick off for you to start a spring cleanse. Have you been curious about detoxing and doing a cleanse? Or perhaps you are a veteran but would like to gather with community and set intentions. Then this is the workshop for you! Jordan Champagne will teach you the benefits of doing a kitchari cleanse. Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic soup that has been used for hundreds of years as a cleanse - it is also quite delicious!!! You will gather to eat a simple meal together and discuss the benefits of cleansing. Next, you will head to the kitchen to make a batch of kitchari that will start your cleanse the next day (or could just be a delicious bowl of soup for you to eat). You will also learn some new prepping ideas to simplify your cooking over the next few days to allow yourself the time and space to cleanse and take a break from cooking. Jordan is happy to share how doing these cleanses have helped her to reset her eating habits and get rid of unhealthy food cravings! The Kitchari Cleanse will have an effect on you no matter if you follow it for only one day or up to 5 days. It is up to you and your desires! You will also have some time to set some intentions for this next season and what you hope to gain from this cleanse. You will take home some kitchari and spices that you will use to cook your own at home! The workshop will be held at Happy Girl Kitchen flagship location from 5:30-8:30 pm at 173 Central Ave, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Register
173 Central Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950