THE LISTENING PLACE READERS THEATER proudly announces the opening of their 2023 season with “Private Lives," a comedy of manners by British playwright and actor, Noel Coward. First produced in London in 1930, the plot revolves around the acerbic divorcees, Amanda and Elyot, who both happen to be honeymooning in the same hotel with their new spouses. A chance meeting on the adjoining verandas of their adjacent rooms leads to delicious mayhem. This uniquely humorous play is considered by many critics and theater-goers alike to be one of the most sophisticated and entertaining plays ever written. Sunday, May 28th from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Directed by Linda Hancock and featuring Pat Horsley, Susan Keenan, Richard Boynton and Carl Twisselman. Free for MOW Community Center Members, $10 at the door for non-members. Lite refreshments available. Reservations suggested.