Happy Girl Kitchen “Preserved Tomatoes & Salsa” Workshop
Friday, July 28, 2023 (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (PDT)
This workshop is basically a great party with tomatoes as the guest of honor! With all of the wonderful tomatoes rolling out of our central coast in the late summer, it would be a shame not to put as many as possible for our rainy winters. There are such amazing heirloom tomatoes that come from our local farms, many of which wouldn't survive the rough and tumble road to the markets. We will teach you the art of putting up these luscious heirlooms as well as dry-farmed in-your-face-tomato-flavor Early Girl's, and the difference in canning the two. We will also teach you our famous world-famous salsa recipe and spicy tomato juice (that's right). There are many myths when it comes to canning tomatoes - many recipes will have you blanching, peeling, sterilizing, etc. until you want to pull your hair out! In this workshop you'll learn how to jar up tomatoes the Happy Girl way - simple and delicious. We've got all kinds of tricks and tips to get you on your way to a pantry full of summer tomatoes, we'll go over all of the pertinent food safety issues, PH scale and hot water bath canning. You will go home with 3 jars of goodies and a lot of knowledge. We will share a light organic dinner in the workshop too! This is going to be a really fun workshop, so register early as they tend to fill up fast! The workshop will be held at Happy Girl Kitchen Flagship location from 5:30-8:30pm at 173 Central Ave, Pacific Grove 93950. Register
173 Central Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950