City of Pacific Grove & Smart Growth America Workshop Series
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 5:30 PM - Thursday, November 10, 2022 7:30 PM (PST)
You're invited to join the City of Pacific Grove for a workshop series facilitated by national non-profit Smart Growth America to envision improvements to the Sunset Dr., State Route (SR) 68 corridor! The City has received Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) Measure X funding to improve safety and access for everyone—whether walking, biking, rolling, taking transit or driving—at the intersection of Sunset Dr, Congress Ave, and Cedar St. While the project is intersection-specific, it presents an opportunity to think broadly! What are your aspirations for this corridor? What do you already love about this area that this project could enhance? How can we make this intersection and surrounding neighborhood safer and more inviting for everyone? As key residents of and decision-makers in our community, your input will be invaluable.
The workshops will build on each other, and we encourage you to attend as many as you can. See attached flyer and information below for additional details.
-PART 1: 11/9 EVENING WORKSHOP from 5:30 - 7:15 pm at the Pacific Grove Community Center
-Part 2: 11/10 WALKING INTERSECTION AUDIT from 12:30-2pm at the southwest corner of Sunset Dr., Congress Ave & Cedar St (next to the high school track)
-PART 3: 11/10 EVENING WORKSHOP from 5:30-7:30pm at the Pacific Grove Community Center
SMART GROWTH AMERICA (SGA) & CITY PARTNERSHIP SGA empower communities through technical assistance, advocacy & thought leadership to realize a vision of livable places, healthy people & shared prosperity! QUESTIONS?
Contact the Public Works at (831) 648-5722 or pwdadmin@cityofpacificgrove.org. More info on SGA at: www.smartgrowthamerica.org
2100 Sunset Drive
Pacific Grove, CA 93950 United States